Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Leading Off

I used to have one of these and i got rid of it but now im back because i like having a place to share some stuff about sports, life and other things

Juily is now here and the Tigers are playing pretty good (56-28) and i love it. This is the first time that i can remenber in my life that i actaully want to watch and go to alot of tigers game. It's great and I'm hopeing we can see a run deep into Oct.

I'm not even gonna go to Ben Wallace right now, ill talk about that later. But as someone told me Stevie Y is and will always be the man, the way he went out and everything he did in his carrer was total class and he is one of my heros and always will be.

June has brought us the World Cup and like ESPN has told us "One Game Changes Everything"

and this year the world cup has been great. Many close awsome games and lots of sick goals. When Italy Scored in the 119th miunate. I went crazy, It was awsome.

I'm gonna try to keep up with this blog thing as much as i can, when ever I fell I need to say something I'm gonna try to put it here


Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.