Thursday, July 06, 2006

Big Ben

This is my thought about him leaving for chi-town

Well u know what I thought it was gone happen. After all this city and town has done for him making him an all-star and a top level NBA player he bolts on us. But I could see it coming in the playoffs he wasn't the Ben Wallace we knew and loved. I told everyone I thought he was gone to go to Chicago and I was right. And u know what I don't care.

Ben Wallace missing all the free throws in the playoffs killed the pistons i really beleve that missing all thoese free throws took the engery from Ben and the whole team went down as he did. This team next year will rally around Ben being gone. Do i think they will beat Chicago, Miami, or Cleveland. That I'm not sure of but I'm sure not going to miss Ben Wallace that much. I think Dyce will do fine starting next year and with the signing of Nazr today and maybe Bonzi Wells or a good back up Pt Guard this team will go on and try to win again and they won't quit like this year.


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